Interactive Design: Exercises

29.8.2023- 17.9.2023/ Week 1- Week 8
Kelly Lau Jie Ning/ 0354839
Interactive Design/ Bachelor of Design(Honours) In Creative Media


Exercises 1: Web Analysis
We are provided a website that has several other high-quality websites in this exercise, and we must pick two websites to analyze. We must pay attention to the analysis's design, layout, information, and functionality. Additionally, we must note the website's advantages and disadvantages and take into account how they affect the user experience.  For both analyses, we must write no more than 250 words.

Exercise 2: Website Replication
It is our responsibility to duplicate TWO (2) of the three websites' current home pages. Any picture from a stock photo or a free stock icon can be used. It is not necessary for the image we use to be an exact copy of the one from the source website. The arrangement, typeface, and color scheme ought to be our main concerns.

Website 1 Progress

I'm using Acumin Variable Concept and Epilogue for the fonts. I went with medium, semibold, and bold for the typeface. In this exercise, I also utilized the pen tool to draw the logo.

Fig 1.1 Progress screenshot

Final Web Replication 1
Figure 1.2 Comparing between the original website and the replicated one 

Fullscreen view
Fig 1.3 Fullscreen view of the website-jpg

Fig 1.4 Fullscreen view of the website-pdf

Website 2 Progress

For this website, I am using Poppins Black, Univers LT Std, and Epilogue as the fonts. The typefaces I have chosen are Regular, 75 Black, Medium, and 55 Roman.
Figure 1.5 Progress screenshot

Final Web Replication 2
Figure 1.6 Comparing between the original website and the replicated one 

Fullscreen view
Fig 1.7 Fullscreen view of the website-jpg

Fig 1.8 Fullscreen view of the website-pdf

Exercise 3: Creating a Recipe Card
In this exercise, we need to create a recipe card using HTML and CSS. The goal is to design a basic webpage that displays a recipe's ingredients and instructions in a visually appealing format.

Create an HTML file named "index.html."
Create a section that displays the following information:
Recipe title
Include necessary images for the page
List of ingredients
Step-by-step cooking instructions
Create an external CSS file named "style.css."
Apply CSS rules to style our recipe card.
Use CSS selectors such as element selectors (e.g., body, h1, ul), class selectors (e.g., .recipe-title, .ingredient-list), and ID selectors (e.g., #instructions) to style different parts of the card.

First of all, I tried to find want food recipe that I wanted to do. I tried to find the recipe using the link that Mr Rahman provided in the WhatsApp group chat.

Fig 2.1 Screenshot of the website that Mr Rahman provided

Then, I chose Spaghetti Bolognese for my recipe card.

Fig 2.2 Screenshot of  the Spaghetti Bolognese recipe website

Here are my HTML and CSS coding screenshots:
Fig 2.3 Screenshot of HTML coding #1

Fig 2.4 Screenshot of HTML coding #2

Fig 2.5 Screenshot of HTML coding #3

Fig 2.6 Screenshot of CSS coding #3
Fig 2.7 Outcome of the recipe-jpg

After feedback
After getting Mr Rahman's feedback, I deleted my underline for the subtopic and added the padding between ol and li.
Fig 2.8 Screenshot of CSS coding after feedback
Final outcome
Fig 2.9 Final outcome of the recipe card

Final Website link:

Week 7
-delete the underline of the subtopic
-add the padding in ol and li

The exercises helped me simply know how a good website looks and also how to code by doing a simple recipe website. The exercises are fun. I feel enjoy when doing those exercises. After doing those exercises, I can do my project quickly and smoothly.


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