Advanced Animation-Project 2: Jump Animation
19/11/2024-09/12/2024 (Week 9 -Week 11)
Kelly Lau Jie Ning/ 0354839
Advanced Animation/ Bachelor of Design (Honors) in Creative Media
Project 2: Jump Animation
Jump- the highest position of the jump.
Contact- the moment the character touches the ground again (often a stretch).
Recovery- the final rest pose, no more forward moment.
The front side looks like this:
Side view:
Kelly Lau Jie Ning/ 0354839
Advanced Animation/ Bachelor of Design (Honors) in Creative Media
Project 2: Jump Animation
Project 2: Jump animation
Before I started to do this project, I tried to find some references.
Anticipation- crouching down to gather energy for the jump (squash), the arms swing behind the body.
Stretch- the moment right before leaping off the ground.
Project 2: Jump animation
For this project, we are required to do a jump animation using Blender.
Before I started to do this project, I tried to find some references.
Then, I start to do the animation in Blender.
Neutral- the rest pose before the jump starts
Overshoot- the character continues travelling down and forward due to the leftover moment.
Final Submission
In this project, I used a simple character model and created keyframes to show the starting pose, the jump, and the landing. I learned how important timing is, as a jump looks more realistic when it has a good rhythm. I also played with the curves in the Graph Editor to make the movement smoother. Adding details like bending the knees and swinging the arms made the jump feel more alive. I faced some challenges, like getting the timing right and making the landing look soft instead of stiff. But with practice, I improved.
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