
Showing posts from June, 2023

Typography- Task 3: Type Design and Communication

30.5.2023-26.6.2023/ Week 9- Week 13 Kelly Lau Jie Ning/ 0354839 Typography/ B' of Design (Honours) in Creative Media Task 3: Type Design and Communication LECTURES All lectures 1 to 6 were completed in  Task 1 Exercise 1& 2 INSTRUCTION 1. Research I searched a lot of fonts from Pinterest and Google before starting to do the handwriting part. Fig 1.1 Research from the Internet  Identify and deconstruct references I chosen Adobe Caslon Pro for my reference Fig 1.2 Deconstructed "A"- Adobe Caslon Pro Regular Week 9 (1/6/2023) Anotomy: Bowl: The bowl is the rounded or curved part that forms the enclosed shape of the letter "A." It can have various degrees of curvature, depending on the specific design of the typeface. Serifs: Serifs are the small decorative strokes or lines that extend from the ends of the main strokes of a letter. Serifs provide extra embellishment and aid in legibility. In Adobe Caslon Pro Regular, the serifs are likely to have a classic and...